Standard Proposal by The Optimism Foundation

Season 6: Intent Budgets

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Intents are high-level strategic goals for the Collective. Each Intent is equipped with a Seasonal budget. The Foundation has proposed the below budgets under relevant Intents for Season 6.

Intent 1: Progress Towards Decentralization

Proposed Gov Fund Budget: 500k OP

Please note that the Gov Fund will not support technical decentralization under Intent #1 in Season 6.

Intent 3: Grow Application Devs on the Superchain

Proposed Gov Fund Budget: 18M OP, broken down as below:

Intent 3A: 6M OP for grants supporting OP Mainnet

Intent 3B: 12M OP for chain-specific grant programs supporting the Superchain (to be run by these Chains).

This proposal is eligible for Special Voting Cycle #23a:

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